Next awards event
The New Zealand Biosecurity Awards are transitioning to a biennial event and will therefore host the next awards in 2026.
The Awards celebrates achievements across the biosecurity system, showcasing the positive stories, the people, and organisations behind them. We want to ensure the awards programme remains fit-for-purpose and reflects the biosecurity system.
Recognising biosecurity champions
The New Zealand Biosecurity Awards are our way of celebrating people and organisations across the country who are contributing to New Zealand's biosecurity – in our communities, businesses, schools, iwi and Māori organisations, universities, councils, government agencies.
We want to recognise the incredible individuals and teams who are working hard to help ensure our country and its unique environment are safe from pests and diseases through their contributions – through science, research, and innovations – to biosecurity.
It takes all of us to protect what we've got but there are a few champions worth celebrating.
Who can be nominated?
The awards are open to people and organisations across New Zealand who contribute to biosecurity. Individuals, groups, and up-and-coming leaders.
Awards categories
There are 9 award categories. All category winners are eligible for the New Zealand Biosecurity Supreme Award.
If you are thinking about entering in the award, you should choose the category best suited to the biosecurity work, the individual, or the group that deserves recognition. You can enter more than one category, but you must submit a separate application for each category.
BioHeritage Challenge Community Award
Open to individuals and groups including community and sporting groups.
This award recognises those who:
- are committed to a project or a body of work that supports biosecurity in New Zealand, and/or
- work collaboratively within their community to share the message that biosecurity is the collective responsibility of all New Zealanders, and/or
- work in partnership with Māori to achieve biosecurity excellence and positive outcomes, and/or
- show how biosecurity has been improved based on their project, initiative or a body of work, and/or
- show leadership and support in assisting in the protection of New Zealand’s natural environment and native species and how biosecurity practices have enabled the success.
New Zealand Biosecurity Kura (School) Award
Open to teams, classes, rōpū and enviro-groups in early childhood centres, primary, intermediate and secondary schools.
This award recognises those who:
- are committed to a project or a body of work that supports biosecurity in New Zealand, and/or
- work in partnership with Māori to achieve biosecurity excellence and positive outcomes, and/or
- work collaboratively within their school and learning community to share the message that biosecurity is the collective responsibility of all New Zealanders, and/or
- show how biosecurity has been improved based on their project, initiative or a body of work, and/or
- show leadership and support in assisting in the protection of New Zealand’s natural environment and native species and how biosecurity practices have enabled the success.
Te Uru Kahika Māori Award
Open to whanau, hapū, iwi, and Māori organisations.
This award recognises the unique relationship Māori have through biosecurity with the whenua, wai, and moana (land, water, and sea).
Entrants should be able to demonstrate:
- their special relationship with the taonga in their takiwā
- that their mahi is helping to increase Māori capability and capacity in the biosecurity system.
The award recognises those who:
- are committed to a project or body of work that supports protecting our taonga and biosecurity in New Zealand, and/or
- have identified, reported or led the management of a disease outbreak or pest incursion, and/or
- have developed new systems, technologies, processes, or practices within whanau, hapū, iwi, or Māori organisations that focus on improving biosecurity, and/or
- work in partnership with local community, agencies, organisations or industry to achieve biosecurity excellence and positive outcomes, and/or
- share ideas and resources among others to help:
- transfer knowledge
- collectively lift biosecurity expectations and processes
- increase Māori capability and capacity in the biosecurity system.
GIA Industry Award
Open to groups, organisations, or individuals in business or industry.
This award recognises those who:
- are committed to a project or body of work that supports biosecurity in New Zealand, and/or
- have identified, reported, or led the management of a disease outbreak or pest incursion, and/or
- show what action they have taken, if any, around emerging biosecurity threats and risks to their business or industry, and/or
- work in partnership with Māori to achieve biosecurity excellence and positive outcomes, and/or
- have developed new systems, technologies, processes, or practices within their business, industry, or organisation that focus on improving biosecurity, and/or
- show how biosecurity has been improved based on their project, initiative or a body of work, and/or
- share their ideas and resources among others to help transfer knowledge and collectively lift biosecurity expectations and processes.
Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Open to groups or individuals working in local, regional and central government organisations and agencies.
This award recognises those who:
- have been committed to a project or body of work that supports biosecurity in New Zealand, and/or
- have identified, reported, or led the management of a disease outbreak or pest incursion, and/or
- show what action they have taken, if any, around emerging biosecurity threats and risks to their organisation or agency, and/or
- work in partnership with Māori to achieve biosecurity excellence and positive outcomes, and/or
- have developed new systems, technologies, processes, or practices within their agency or organisation that focus on improving biosecurity, and/or
- show how biosecurity has been improved based on their project, initiative or a body of work, and/or
- share their ideas and resources among others to help transfer knowledge and collectively lift biosecurity expectations and processes.
New Zealand Biosecurity Science Award
Open to groups or individuals doing research in a business, tertiary institution, industry, or government.
This award recognises those who:
- are committed to a research project or body of work that supports biosecurity in New Zealand, and/or
- have provided science and research that helped identify, report, or lead the management of a disease outbreak or pest incursion, and/or
- work in partnership with Māori to achieve biosecurity excellence and positive outcomes, and/or
- have developed new systems, technologies, processes, innovations, or practices within their business, industry, or research organisation that focus on improving biosecurity, and/or
- show how biosecurity has been improved based on their project, initiative or a body of work, and/or
- share their ideas and resources among others to help transfer knowledge and collectively lift biosecurity expectations and processes.
Mondiale VGL Innovation Award
Open to groups, organisations, or individuals in business or industry.
Innovation is about using new approaches or technologies (including social measures) rather than applying widely used measures effectively.
This award recognises those who:
- show how innovation has been a major contributor to the success of a project, programme, protocol, or one-off event, and/or
- show how biosecurity has been improved based on their innovation, and/or
- show how innovation has directly addressed a biosecurity threat, and/or
- are working collaboratively to support the development and success of the innovation and/or
- demonstrate how innovative concepts, practices, or techniques have resulted in significant positive change, solved problems that matter, changed culture, are scalable, or lead to a new way of thinking.
AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
This award recognises an emerging leader from the New Zealand biosecurity system and is open to individuals under 35 years old who are already making a significant contribution to biosecurity in New Zealand.
You can not enter yourself for this category. You need someone to nominate you and you must get their permission first.
Minister’s Biosecurity Award
This award recognises an individual, group or organisation from the New Zealand biosecurity system that has at least 10 years of continuous outstanding contribution to biosecurity in New Zealand.
You can not enter yourself for this category. You need someone to nominate you and you must get their permission first.
There will be no finalists announced for this award, with the winner announced at the awards dinner.
Previous winners and finalists
2024 winners and finalists
Minister's Biosecurity Award
Winner: Dr Brian Richardson - Scion
New Zealand Biosecurity Supreme Award
Winner: Ngā Hāpu o Te Rāwhiti, Ngāti Kuta rāua Ko Patukeha - R.E.P NZ
BioHeritage Challenge Community Award
Winner: Ōkārito GorseBusters Charitable Trust – Ōkārito GorseBusters
Finalist: Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust – Feral Goat Eradication
Finalist: Tākaka Hill Biodiversity Group Trust – Restoring and Protecting Tākaka Hill Ecosystems
Te Uru Kahika Māori Award
Winner: Ngā Hāpu o Te Rāwhiti, Ngāti Kuta rāua Ko Patukeha - R.E.P NZ
Finalist: Aki Tai Here - Aki Tai Here
Finalist: Te Whakahononga
New Zealand Biosecurity Kura (School) Award
Winner: Maeroa Intermediate School – Maeroa Intermediate Gully Restoration Project
Finalist: Waitaria Bay School – Pest Free Playground
Finalist: Western Springs College – Ngā Puna o Waiōrea – Waitītiko Awa Restoration
GIA Industry Award
Winner: VeritAg – Bringing the Private Sector into the M. bovis Programme
Finalist: Aquaculture New Zealand – A+ Biosecurity Standards
Finalist: Sails for Science NZ – Northland Students United in Marine Pest Detection
Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Winner: Waikato Regional Council - Kauri Protection Programme
Finalist: AsureQuality - Blackgrass Response 2022-2023
Finalist: NIWA, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research - Caulerpa Biosecurity Response Team
New Zealand Biosecurity Science Award
Winner: Cawthron Institute - Marine Biosecurity Toolbox Research Programme
Finalist: Ngā Rākau Taketake – Saving our Iconic Trees from Kauri Dieback and Myrtle Rust
Finalist: AgResearch – The AgResearch Animal Health Solutions Team
Mondiale VGL Innovation Award
Winner: EcoNet Charitable Trust – The innovative EcoNet CAMS Weeds toolkit
Finalist: Auckland Council – Ruru Conservation Information System
Finalist: Te Ara Hīkoi – Tāwhiti Smart Cage
AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Winner: Keeley Grantham – Te Arawa Lakes Trust
Finalist: Bevan Morgan
Finalist: Reema Chawla
2022 winners and finalists
New Zealand Biosecurity Supreme Award
Winner: WilderLab Ltd - Wilderlab and the eDNA revolution in Aotearoa
Minister's Biosecurity Award
Winner: Phillip Karaitiana, Gisborne District Council – for his commitment to New Zealand biosecurity
BioHeritage Challenge Community Award
Winner: Whakatipu Wilding Conifer Group - Whakatipu Wilding Conifer Control Programme
Finalist: Environment Southland - Jobs for Nature Fiordland Weed buffer
Finalist: Pest Free Howick Ward
New Zealand Biosecurity Māori Award
Winner: Te Arawa Lakes Trust - Hungatiaki Taiao/Biosecurity
Finalist: Kauri Ora
Finalist: Ruawāhia/Mount Tarawera Wilding Pine Control Group
New Zealand Biosecurity Kura (School) Award
Winner: Howick School's Moth Plant Competition
Finalist: Taipa Area School - Project Predator
Finalist: Halfmoon Bay School - Te Kura o Rakiura
GIA Industry Award
Winner: Auckland Airport – A Biosecurity Culture to Make Biosecurity Matter
Finalist: Onside and Kiwifruit Vine Health - Network technology partnership
Finalist: Aquaculture New Zealand – Protecting a Promising Future: Leading the Way in Aquatic Biosecurity for Aotearoa New Zealand
Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Winner: MPI - National Wilding Conifer Control Programme
Finalist: AsureQuality Ltd - Blackgrass Canterbury Response 2021-22
Finalist: Wellington City Council - Wellington City Council Urban Ecology team
New Zealand Biosecurity Science Award
Winner: Better Border Biosecurity (B3) Research Collaboration
Finalist: Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research - Weed biocontrol group
Finalist: Scion Research, Apiculture NZ, Plant & Food Research - Giant Willow Aphid Biological Control Group.
Mondiale VGL Innovation Award
Winner: Wilderlab NZ Ltd - Wilderlab and the eDNA revolution in Aotearoa
Finalist: Kiwifruit Vine Health and Onside - using network technology for biosecurity readiness and response in the kiwifruit sector.
Finalist: Bay of Plenty Regional Council – GeoPest
AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Winner: Ethan McCormick - Pest Free Howick Ward and Friends of Mangemangeroa
Finalist: Alessandra Smith - Northland Regional Council
Finalist: Juliet O’Connell - Bay of Plenty Regional Council
2021 winners and finalists
New Zealand Biosecurity Supreme Award
Winner: Xerra Earth Observation Institute - Starboard
Minister's Biosecurity Award
Winner: Peter Wilkins, for outstanding contribution to New Zealand biosecurity
BioHeritage Challenge Community Award
Winner: Eastern Whio Link
Finalist: Pest Free Howick Ward
Finalist: Te Roroa – Te Toa Whenua
Māori Award
Winner: Te Roroa – Te Toa Whenua
Finalist: Toi Moana/Bay of Plenty Regional Council – Ruawāhia/Mount Tarawera Wilding Pine Control Project
Finalist: Manaaki Te Awanui – Kei Hea nga Papaka project
Kura (School) Award
Winner: Lynmore Primary School – Lynmore Hunga Tiaki
Finalist: Halfmoon Bay School – Halfmoon Bay School Biosecurity Champions
Finalist: Howick Schools Moth Plant Competition
GIA Industry Award
Winner: Xerra Earth Observation Institute - Starboard
Finalist: Auckland Airport – Creation of a biosecurity culture and team to strengthen border biosecurity
Finalist: New Zealand Winegrowers – Developing biosecurity champions
Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Winner: Toi Moana/Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Marine Biosecurity team
Finalist: AsureQuality, MPI and Flybusters AntiAnts – National Invasive Ant Surveillance programme
Finalist: Northland Regional Council – Project Pest Control
Bioprotection Aotearoa Science Award
Winner: Cawthron Institute - Aquatic Animal Health Research Programme to tackle major biosecurity issues facing New Zeala
Finalist: Scion – Innovation and communication in forest biosecurity
Finalist: DairyNZ – Dairy Biosecurity Risk Identification and Evaluation Framework (DBRiEF)
Mondiale VGL Innovation Award
Winner: Xerra Earth Observation Institute - Starboard
Finalist: Cawthron Institute – Aquatic Animal Health Research Programme to tackle major biosecurity issues facing New Zealand
Finalist: Bay of Plenty Regional Council – GeoPest
AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Winner: Patrick Cahill, Cawthron Institute
Finalist: Ethan McCormick, Pest Free Howick Ward & Friends of Mangemangeroa
Finalist: Kate Heaphy, Boffa Miskell Ltd
2020 winners and finalists
New Zealand Biosecurity Supreme Award and GIA Industry Award
Winner: Miraka - New Zealand Biosecurity Supreme Award and GIA Industry Award
Finalist: Fruit Fly Council - GIA Industry Award
Finalist: Pea Weevil Response Group - GIA Industry Award
Minister's Biosecurity Award
Winner: Linda Peacock - Minister's Biosecurity Award
New Zealand Biosecurity Special Award
Winner: New Zealand Kiwifruit Industry - New Zealand Biosecurity Special Award
Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award for new projects/initiatives
Winner: Marine Meter Squared (Mm2), New Zealand Marine Studies Centre - Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award
Finalist: Better Border Biosecurity/Auckland Botanic Gardens - Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award
Finalist: Predator Free Wellington - Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award
Department of Conservation Community Kahiwi Award for established projects/initiatives
Winner: Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust - Department of Conservation Community Kahiwi Award
Finalist: Windy Hill Rosalie Bay Catchment Trust - Department of Conservation Community Kahiwi Award
Finalist: Friends of Waiwhetū Stream - Department of Conservation Community Kahiwi Award
Te Tira Whakamātaki Māori Award
Winner: Te Rawhiti 3B2 Ahu Whenua Trust - Te Tira Whakamātaki Māori Award
Finalist: Graeme Atkins, Ngāti Porou - Te Tira Whakamātaki Māori Award
Finalist: Te Poho o Rawiri Marae - Te Tira Whakamātaki Māori Award
Kura (School) Award
Winner: St Paul's Collegiate School - Kura (School) Award
Finalist: Kerikeri Kindergarten - Kura (School) Award
Finalist: Lynmore Primary School - Kura (School) Award
Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Winner: Dr Mary van Andel, MPI - Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Finalist: Waikato Regional Council - Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Finalist: Wellington City Council - Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Bio-Protection Research Centre Science Award
Winner: Onside - Bio-Protection Research Centre Science Award
Finalist: Mātauranga Māori and Molecular Science - Bio-Protection Research Centre Science Award
Finalist: Dr Petra Muellner, Epi-Interactive - Bio-Protection Research Centre Science Award
Mondiale Innovation Award
Winner: Groundtruth Ltd - Mondiale Innovation Award
Finalist: Onside - Mondiale Innovation Award
Finalist: Predator Free Wellington - Mondiale Innovation Award
AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Winner: Thomas (Tame) Malcolm from Te Tira Whakamātaki and Te Arawa Waka - AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Finalist: Ethan McCormick from Howick College - AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Finalist: Yanika Te Paea Reiter from the University of Waikato - AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
2019 winners and finalists
Biosecurity New Zealand Supreme Award and the Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award (for new initiatives/projects)
Winner: Te Arawa Lakes Trust - Biosecurity New Zealand Supreme Award and the Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award
Finalist: Aorere College, Year 10 Mātauranga Māori class - Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award
Finalist: Field trial: Ship rat control using modified 'Philproof' bait stations - Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award
Finalist: Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital - Department of Conservation Community Pihinga Award
Minister's Biosecurity Award
Winner: David Cade - Minister's Biosecurity Award
Department of Conservation Community Kahiwi Award for established projects/initiatives
Winner: Te Roroa Commercial Development Company - Department of Conservation Community Kahiwi Award
Finalists: Guardians of the Bay of Islands - Department of Conservation Community Kahiwi Award
Finalists: Polhill Protectors - Department of Conservation Community Kahiwi Award
Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Award
Winner: Ngāti Hauā Mahi Trust - Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Award
Finalist: Rakiura Titi Islands Administering Body - Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Award
Finalist: Te Roroa Commercial Development Company - Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Award
GIA Industry Award
Winner: Livestock Improvement Corporation - GIA Industry Award
Finalist: Automotive Technologies Ltd - GIA Industry Awards
Finalist: KiwiNet - GIA Industry Award
Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Winner: Auckland Council - Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Finalists: Environment Canterbury (Chatham Islands) - Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Finalist: Wellington City Council - Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Bio-Protection Research Centre Science Award
Winner: Myrtle Rust Research Consortium - Bio-Protection Research Centre Science Award
Finalist: Cawthron Institute - Bio-Protection Research Centre Science Award
Finalist: SCION - HTHF Research Programme - Bio-Protection Research Centre Science Award
Mondiale Innovation Award
Winner: Automotive Technologies Ltd - Mondiale Innovation Award
Finalist: Livestock Improvement Corporation - Mondiale Innovation Award
Finalist: Omori Kuratau Pest Management Group - Mondiale Innovation Award
AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Winner: Kane McElrea from Northland Regional Council - AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Finalist: Helen Payn from Land Information New Zealand - AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Finalist: Marion Schoof from AgResearch - AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
2018 winners and finalists
New Zealand Biosecurity Supreme Award & Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Winner: Environment Southland - New Zealand Biosecurity Supreme Award and Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Finalist: Northland Regional Council Pest Control Hub - Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award
Minister's Biosecurity Award
Winner: Greg Corbett, Biosecurity Manager, Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Minister's Biosecurity Award
Department of Conservation Community Award
Winner: Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society - Department of Conservation Community Award
Finalist: The Forest Bridge Trust - Department of Conservation Community Award
Finalist: Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari - Department of Conservation Community Award
Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Award
Winner: Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust - Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Award
Finalist: Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa - Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Award
Finalist: Te Kawerau Iwi Tribal Authority and Settlement Trust - Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Award
Government Industry Agreement (GIA) Industry Award
Winner: Kiwifruit Vine Health - Government Industry Agreement (GIA) Industry Award
Finalist: Independent Verification Services (VIS) Ltd - Government Industry Agreement (GIA) Industry Award
Finalist: Government Industry Agreement (GIA) Industry Award - Morven Action Group
Biological Heritage Challenge Science Award
Winner: Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute) - Biological Heritage Challenge Science Award
Finalist: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA) - Biological Heritage Challenge Science Award
Finalist: Plant and Food Research, Auckland Council, Te Tira Whakamaataki, Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, Rongawhakaata iwi and Ngāti Ruapani ki Tūranga iwi - Biological Heritage Challenge Science Award
Mondiale Innovation Award
Winner: Jacson3 Limited - Mondiale Innovation Award
Finalist: Waikaitu Ltd - Mondiale Innovation Award
Finalist: Mondiale Innovation Award - Te Kawerau Iwi Tribal Authority & Settlement Trust
AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Winner: Dr Amanda Black, Te Kawerau ā Maki - AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
Finalist: Sophia White, Northland Regional Council - AsureQuality Emerging Leader Award
2017 winners and finalists
Community Award
Winner: Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust – The Wildside Project
Highly commended: Motutapu Restoration Trust
Industry Award
Winner: Port of Tauranga Limited – Biosecurity Excellence
Highly commended: New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated (NZPPI)
Government Award
Winner: Department of Conservation – The Great White Butterfly Eradication Project
Highly commended: Northland Regional Council – Marine Biosecurity Programme
Highly commended: Top of the South (TOS) Marine Biosecurity Project
Māori Award
Winner: Te Tira Whakamātaki - Māori Biosecurity Network
Highly commended: The Karioi Project, Te Whaanga 2B3B2 and 2B1 Ahu Whenua Trust (AWT)
Supreme Award
Winner: Department of Conservation - The Great White Butterfly Eradication Project
Minister's Biosecurity Award
Winner: Don McKenzie (Northland Regional Council)
Who to contact
If you have questions about the Biosecurity Awards, email